Our Vision and Values

Our values

We believe that God requires us to fulfil his purpose for the church that is summarised in three love commands:

To love God (Matthew 22:37),

To love one another (John 13:34), and

To love our neighbour (Matthew 22:39)

and in Christ’s mission commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

We strive to work these commands into practice in four key areas of church life:

Our vision

William Carey’s words “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God” are a constant challenge to us as a church to press on in the work of the Gospel and to step out in faith.

We seek constantly to spread the amazing news of Jesus Christ more effectively and to see the Gospel make an impact in the local community.

We want to encourage Christians to grow in their faith and to become spiritually mature, living faithful and fruitful lives to the glory of God.

We are concerned to maintain unity and harmony within the church, ensuring always that there is no compromise of Biblical principles or the basic tenets of our Christian faith.

We believe every member of the church has a unique and important part to play in serving God and caring for one another.