Carey Member's Covenant

Becoming a Church member involves making a commitment to the church, and we make the following promise to each other.

Believing that God has called us to be members of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ at Carey Baptist Church, and that he has drawn us together in love and commitment to him and to one another, we promise with God’s help:

  • To live a life consistent with the gospel and worthy of those who are members of God’s family, in order to glorify God and uphold the reputation of his church.
  • To worship together regularly at the services and meetings of the church, including members’ meetings and communion.
  • To pray regularly for the members and activities of the church.
  • To encourage and help one another by loving counsel, support and example, in order to increase in faith, love, knowledge and holiness.
  • To warn and correct one another when necessary, in a spirit of humility, always recognising our own sinfulness and need of such help.
  • To respect and support the elders as they lead the work in accordance with God’s Word and to submit to the discipline of the church.
  • To discover the gifts that God has entrusted to each one of us and to use them, as he intends, for the benefit of the church.
  • To witness to the Lord Jesus Christ by our words and way of life, seeking also to bring others to hear the gospel.
  • To give financially to the church, on a regular basis, in order to further the Lord’s work within our own fellowship and throughout the world.
    In these ways we will promote the unity and health of the church.

Carey Covenant

Membership Application Form