About Us Safeguarding Safeguarding Adults PolicySafeguarding Children PolicySocial Media PolicyGuidelines for Pastoral Care and Discipleship Carey is committed to safeguarding children and adults. Safeguarding at Carey – who’s who? Andrew Barnett Safeguarding ElderDuties: Providing a clear link between the Safeguarding-Co-ordinator and the Leadership. Working with the Safeguarding-Co-ordinator and Deputy Safeguarding-Co-ordinator when safeguarding concerns are raised Offering pastoral support to abuse victims in collaboration with others from the church and/or outside agencies Hannah Swanepel Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinatorDuties: To cover in the absence of the safeguarding co-ordinator e.g. when on holiday, To provide administrative support to the Safeguarding Co-ordinator Manage any accusation against the co-ordinator or someone close to them making it inappropriate for them to deal with the issue Paula Gibbs Safeguarding Co-ordinatorDuties: The preparation and implementation of a safeguarding policy and its review annually Ensuring safeguarding policies and procedures are followed Working with the Deputy Safeguarding-Co-ordinator and Safeguarding Elder when safeguarding concerns are raised Acting as an advocate on behalf of children and adults in need of protection. Arranging and making sure workers and leaders attend relevant training Keeping accurate records relating to safeguarding concerns. Regularly informing the Leadership on good practice issues Working in partnership with statutory and other agencies Safeguarding concerns? – who to contact Safeguarding Statement Escalation process - Safeguarding 2024 Safeguarding poster Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9