
A disciple of Jesus is simply a follower of Jesus – someone who enjoys a close relationship with him and wants to become more like him. A true disciple will long to see others becoming disciples too! We can introduce people to Jesus Christ for the first time or help them grow in their faith and walk more closely with him. This is what discipleship is all about.

At Carey we really want to encourage a culture and attitude of discipleship more widely across the fellowship. We aim to do this through the nurturing of new believers and members, mentoring and one-to-one discipleship partnerships based on bible study, prayer and accountability.

We also want to promote the development and training of future leaders in the church across all the ministry groups.

There is a Discipleship Course for new Christians or those who want to be sure about the basics of living the Christian life.

Take a look at the ministry you are involved in. Could you encourage someone to develop and exercise their gifts?

Think about people you know. Could you meet with someone to encourage them in their faith? Could you pray with them about their day to day life as a Christian, discovering how the bible teaches and helps us in every situation, sharing from your own experience? Or would you like someone to meet with you to help you grow in your faith?

If you have not had the opportunity to do so and would like to be put in touch with someone please contact Mike Davies at mike.pitpony@sky.com


Guides for Discipleship and One-to-Ones


The Bible speaks about the specific role that women have in discipling one another. To hear more about why this is so important, take a look at this short video on ‘Growing Godly Women’

Useful resources

  • One-to-One, A Discipleship Handbook – Sophie De Witt (short practical guide)
  • The Trellis and the Vine – Colin Marshall and Tony Payne
  • Fruitful Leaders – Marcus Honeysett
  • Spiritual Mothering – Susan Hunt
  • The Lost Art of Disciple Making – LeRoy Eims

The thegoodbook.co.uk has a range of useful practical resources and bible study guides e.g.

  • Titus: The path to godliness
  • Biblical Womanhood
  • Women of faith from the Old/New Testament
  • One2One series:  John/Philippians/Psalms, Just Looking (exploring the message of Mark)

Your quotes …

“I don’t come from a Christian background and I became a Christian as a woman in my 30’s. I can’t stress how necessary and helpful the discipleship and mentoring I’ve received has been to my walk with God. I’ve benefited so much from women older in the faith who are willing spend time with me, share their lives with me and show me how to live as a Christian woman and wife…

“I now meet up with a younger woman and together we immerse ourselves in the Word of God for a couple of hours every fortnight. It’s helped to me to look at scripture in this way and invest time in a younger woman and hopefully the young lady I meet with is learning something too!”