What's On?Something for Everyone Students Something for EveryoneFootball The Oasis Youth Babies and toddlers Friday Groups Sunday Groups Women Ladies Discipleship Ladies@10 Ladies@8 Prayer Partnerships Ladies Ministry Talks Women's Resources Bible Studies Devotions Special events 1830s Students Seniors International Sundays English Language Classes Reading the Bible Making friends About Coming to the University Reading? We’re so excited to meet you! Please let us know you are coming by emailing students@careybaptistchurch.org.uk, so we can get in touch, and let you know more of what is happening for students at Carey: Student life is an incredibly unique time of life filled with new ideas, new people and places. It can be a time of real growth, but also a time of intense challenges. As a Church, Carey Baptist has had a long history of involvement with the Students at Reading University; equipping, discipling and encouraging them to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, strength and mind. We fully support the Christian Union at Reading University and all that they do to share the incredible message of Jesus with those who don’t yet know Him. We encourage students to be actively involved in the CU, while also seeking to integrate and engage Students with the local Church as valued members of a larger body of believers. Wednesday Bible Study Every other Wednesday evening, 6:30-8:30pm we gather together for a Student Bible study aimed at providing a space for Students to dig deep into God’s word together. These are held near the university campus and will start with an informal meal, then a bible study, sung worship and prayer in smaller groups. We know evenings are precious for students and so we will finish in good time for the rest of your evening plans to roll on! Lunches After each of the first three Sunday morning services of the autumn term, we host Student Welcome lunches. This is an opportunity for you to get together with other students and meet church members who are involved in student ministry; you’ll meet the student team who will give you a feel for what sorts of ministries Carey is involved in, and show how we’d love to bless you during your time at university. During term time, we organise Student Lunches in the homes of church members each Sunday after the morning service. Student Lunches are an opportunity to connect with the wider church at Carey, for fellowship and food. Socials Throughout the year we’ll be organising a number of different social events. Keep your eyes open on facebook and instagram for details of these. Associate Membership We offer associate membership to any Christian students who are members of their home church, but who would like to be more actively involved in serving at Carey during their time as a student. Contact For more details, please contact the team at: students@careybaptistchurch.org.uk Or follow us on Instagram – @careybaptistchurch <!--Click here to download the Spring Term card for more details of events happening this term.-->